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Sun Safety

Posted: June 1st, 2020

The National Council encourages Sun Safety Awareness. The Council encourages everyone to protect their skin while enjoying being outdoors. The following are tips on protecting your skin from being overexposed to UV radiation.

  • Avoid a burn or a tan
  • Seek Shade between hours of 10 am – 4pm
  • Wear clothing that offers sun protection
  • Apply a generous amount of sunscreen to all exposed areas of the skin (30 SPF or higher)
  • Be aware of your surroundings such as water, sand or snow. 
  • Get Vitamin D safely through the foods you consume

With the upcoming months of sunshine & warmer temperatures, millions of Americans plan to enjoy the great outdoors but the risk for ultraviolet (UV) damage of the skin will increase. The American Cancer Society states that skin cancer is on the rise in the United States and estimates there will be more than 73,870 new cases of malignant melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, and more than two million cases of basal cell & squamous cell skin cancer.

Fortunately, skin cancer is highly curable if discovered and treated early. Always remember to protect your skin from the sun by slipping on a shirt, slopping on broad spectrum sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher, slapping on a wide brimmed hat, and putting on sunglasses. Protecting your skin from the harmful effects of the sun & UV radiation should be a life-long practice for all.

Sources: American Cancer Society and National Council